quarta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2010

Maratona de Cartas 2010 - Caso # 5: Um tunisino condenado à morte com base numa confissão feita sob tortura

A propósito disto!

President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali
Palais Présidentiel
Tunis, Tunisia

Your Excellency,

The case of Mr. Saber Ragoubi has been brought to my attention by Amnesty
International. Saber Ragoubi was among 30 people arrested in the area around
the town of Soliman, near the Tunisian capital, Tunis, who were convicted of
security related charges including conspiracy to overthrow the government, use
of firearms and belonging to a terrorist organization. He has been sentenced to
death for these alleged offences, even though the trial before Tunis Court of First
Instance was unfair, and his conviction based on confessions he told the court
he made under torture. Furthermore, no investigation into his allegations of
torture has been ordered by the court.

I, hereby, entreat your Excellency to commute Saber Ragoubi’s death sentence
and ensure he is treated humanely in prison.

I would also like to urge your Excellency to end Mr. Saber Ragoubi’s isolation
and allow him to meet with his family.

Moreover, I appeal to your Excellency to order a fair retrial for Saber Ragoubi and
all the men arrested with him and disregard any evidence obtained under torture
and other ill-treatment.

Yours Sincerely,

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